Thursday, November 08, 2007

for the record

Friends, I am EXHAUSTED. The turnip did not sleep last night and every time I drifted off, he screamed in my face and smacked me. And yes, it was exactly as charming and adorable as it sounds. (please ignore sound of glass breaking as your host smashes head through the window) I cannot keep my eyes open. Slept most of the evening. Im sorry. Im even typing with my eyes shut right now. Ill make it up friends. I will!


Jay said...

Even typing with eyes shut your grammar and spelling was better than mine when I'm totally alert. ;-)

The Mistress of the Dark said...


Passes a comfy blanket and pillow for CRSE


Bunny said...

Been there. I hope you get some sleep this weekend. Want to run away together and sleep for two days straight?

Trelvix said...

I'll send you my "You're why mommy and daddy drink" t-shirt. It's best worn before the kids become voracious readers.

Lisa said...

::sends you some sominex and a hug:: Hang in there. :)

Anonymous said...

One word--Bendadryl. Turnip's got to be allergic to stuff.

Lisa said...

You okay out there, miss?

Trelvix said...


Don't be making me worry about you. I'm so very bad at that.