Thursday, October 18, 2007


Ill say it hard and Ill say it loud.
We took last place but are unreasonably proud!

Here is why I love kickball. You can do something really stupid but good things might happen like while the other team was trying to make a spectacle out of getting you out, your team-mate who is actually fast and good can score a run and people are still very excited for you! Friends, Ive been waiting my whole life for something like this to happen.

RT friends remind me if im mistaken, but I dont really remember Norm constantly challenging himself to find new and different ways to create messes, destroy property and physically endanger himself and others. Ok what is the positive here? The turnip is not a behavior problem waiting to happen. He is just....goal driven. Go turnip.

OMG! On a completely different note the turnip just linked together the words poop and ma butt! There was babble in between but judging from the stink, I think he is developing the ability to elaborate on his communication. Go turnip. Again.

Ok stay tuned as i bitch myself to gretty and hold on to my tuesday twelve til hers as done. In the meantime, Ill try to get my little photo essay of last night with gretty. Ive entitled it "A designated driver in decline".


Jay said...

"poop and ma butt" LOL

creating messes, destroying property and putting people in danger is basically every kid's job. ;-)

Canada said...

I eagerly await the photo essay. I hope it lives up to the title (although, knowing you, it will exceed my expectations)

Anonymous said...

I'm already laughing at the idea of a "designated driver" among you and Gretty. :)

Anonymous said...

I woke up with a horrible feeling this morning. I mean besides the killer hangover. I made promises last night, didn't I? Please tell me there isn't really a photo essay.

Bunny said...

I ask the Bee if she is has a poopy butt and she's say "NOT POOPY!" or "ok, poopy." She and the Turnip are right together there . . .

I like to think of our children as "highly spirited" instead of "oh holy hell, that's one bad ass hyperactive child." My first was a peach in comparison as well.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Poop ma butt!


Unknown said...

Turnip I love it...and such communication skills. Looking forward to the essay!

Anonymous said...

Go Turnip--it's always a good thing to know when "poop" and "ma butt" are working together.

Go Norm--I'm assembling your Halloween costume sweetie!

Mary said...

Yay Ballistics and YAY for poop in ma butt!

OK, not my butt. Emma went poop on the potty today for the first time, so this would explain my excitement over excrement. ;)

Anonymous said...

Go Turnip!

Go Team Ballistic!

I'm so excited that kickball is not just for elementary school anymore :)

ZigZagMan said...

LOL.......hurray for victories!!!!! :)

BBL....I got poop in ma butt...:)