Monday, January 22, 2007

I got tagged weeeee!

Thanks to the fantastic Jen aka factor ten for tagging me!

Very simple meme, take the numbers 1-5 then priceless while matching them up with number type things in your life (you could go to 10 if you want to, Jen went to five. I think I might try ten!).

10. Number of times Ive wanted to throw the wiggles guitar against a brick wall this weekend.

9. Number of times Norm has referenced the "naked brothers band" today (and subsequently the number of mental hate letters ive started writing to nickelodeon network in my head regarding the overhyping of the "naked brothers band").

8. Number of casenotes I hope to write by tomorrow morning to be really ahead of my game in 2007! (dont get too crazy with the idea Madame Fabu...see the word hope)

7. The last number of our present year which has taken on a ridiculous significance to me in that i firmly want to believe that because the year ends in a seven it will be lucky for me. Last week notwithstanding.

6. Number of times Ive worked Pepe the eye sore into conversation this weekend.

5. Number of times Ive seen the episode of spongebob where sandy gets into the land is better than water contest with the sea folk. Its nice to see squidworth be a kind of a team player.....

4. Number of polly pockets currently spread out all over my bathroom in some sort of "polly pocket swim spa" tableau courtesy of norm. They look like they are having such a nice time. I kind of wouldnt mind being at the polly pocket swim spa today.

3. Number of times the 800 number bill collector called today leaving the chatty message trying to apparently lure me into thinking "bill" or "judy" is my friend who I for some reason cant quite remember but should definitely call back to "catch up". Freaking amateurs.

2. Number of times the turnip threw himself against my door sobbing during work phone calls today (sadly, his father was home and apparently thought ineffectually yelling his name in a trailing off voice from the couch while watching the star wars box set for the millionth time was a viable parenting strategy).

1. Number of really awesome prescription tablets needed to reduce bronchial symptoms drastically! YAY!!!

i tag you all!


Jennfactor 10 said...

Ten! You ANIMAL! # 10 and #2, baby--I've sooooo been there!

MrRyanO said...

"...apparently thought ineffectually yelling his name in a trailing off voice from the couch while watching the star wars box set for the millionth time was a viable parenting strategy"

Wait, that doesn't work??? Hmmmm...

Canada said...

you got nothin' priceless?

Crawlspace said...

5 is the number of fingers on my left hand.

4 is the number of fingers on my right hand if you don'y count my thumb.

3 is the number of nipples I wish I had.

2 is the number I actually have.

1 comment is all this is.